“Members one of another” What a wonderful truth lifted from the pages of the Holy Scripture. The Heartland America Region is comprised of local congregations of the Church of God of Prophecy scattered across the four states of Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma. The land mass area is vast covering more than 275,000 square miles. It stretches 725 miles from North to South and over 780 miles East to West. It is challenging that the Lord has called us to carry the gospel to such a vast area. The “harvest” really is great, but the commission remains in place. Only together can we possibly complete such a monumental task. Our congregations are diverse, but we are connected by many common threads. We are all of One Body. We are all saved by Grace. We share the same Heavenly Father. Beyond our spiritual connections we continue to seek ways that bind us together. Regional, State and District events are just a few of the many ways you can become better connected and practice the truths from Ecclesiastes chapter four (never alone). Be sure to check our events for ways to connect across our region. See you in the “Fields”!
Cynthia & Gary Smith